Project by Chen Zheng

As seen in the military

Ravaei, Niloo. "Caesar's Civil War." Medium, 16 Oct. 2018, link.

The idea of hiding something from certain parties has existed throughout most of history. The 'password', a word that acts as a key to identify oneself, has been the most common method of doing so. We would think of passwords as literally a shared "word", however it could take different forms- such as a cipher, or even a map.

The first and oldest of such devices we know today, is the scytale. Used first in Ancient Greece, it involves two rods of equal size. The sender will wrap a long strand of paper across the rod, like in Figure 1. The number of times it is wrapped around the rod is important to note. Then, a portion of the message will be written across one "side" of the rod. Then, the rod will be rotated to the next "side", and this will repeat until the message is etched completely. Once you take the strand of paper off, the message will be mostly indiscernible, until the receiver does this same process to view the text.

The scytale involves something like a password, but instead of a word, it's knowledge of how many times the paper is wrapped. Additionally, something like a physical key exists too, in the form of the rod.

Figure 1: Scytale being viewed.

Rodriguez-Clark, Daniel. "An image of a Scytale with 10 faces." Crypto Corner, 2013, link.

Besides physical methods like the scytale, other "algorithmic" ciphers like the Caesar cipher existed too. That cipher is one many people are familiar with, shifting letters by a certain amount that another party can then reverse. Transposition ciphers will "merge" words together in alternating character injection, like "Hello" and "World" would become "HWeolrllod."

Notably, all of these ciphers require both parties to have knowledge of them, and their methods of decoding. These ciphers were used mainly in Rome. For example, Caesar was known to use 'his' respective cipher to encrypt important military messages. Spartans in Ancient Greece used the scytale.

The general idea of ciphers was to ensure both parties were valid and authentic, at least in principle. This is especially important during wartime, where each side constantly tries to intercept the other's messages in order to gain some military advantage. There, is where much of authentication innovation stems.

Germany was known for developing and extensively using the Enigma machine, until the Allied powers had cracked it. It used an electromechanical rotor mechanism. On the surface, you simply type in a letter, and the encoded letter would light up. Once you've encoded the entire message letter by letter, you would use morse code to send this message to someone else. They would use the same machine, and just enter the encoded message letter by letter. The final message would light up. So it seems on the outside, but it is quite complicated on the inside. Both sides need to know and configure their machines appropriately for this to work. The Enigma machine used a plugboard that would manually map some letter to another letter. Those electromechanical rotors - three of them - would shuffle the mapped letter based on their position and order. A "reflector" would send current in reverse order to "decode" t his message. It may sound simple, but it was hard to crack the message. As a matter of fact, the algorithm was never fully reversed, but the reflector played a part in "cracking" the Enigma machine as it guaranteed a character never maps to itself.

Enigma simulation by Matheus V. Portela

What about modern day technology?

Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay

The Enigma machine was kind of a precursor to encryption in the modern era. No human can break these types of encryption, only machines. Additionally, now that encryption algorithms are complex enough to withstand many brute force attacks, it is relevant to consider physical "real world" security. In such a case, it may be easier for an attacker to just track down whoever has the message at the source, rather than intercepting and decrypting as the latter would be the tougher choice.

Encryption in the modern day is quite a different beast from what we discussed before. Previously, if you simply had the knowledge of how something is encrypted, generally you can just reverse the process to find out the original message. The biggest challenge would be to fine tune the settings, such as the size of the rod in a scytale example. However, encryption nowadays could use 'asymmetric encryption'. For example, Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) encryption marvelously solves this fundamental challenge of "both parties need to know something" in algorithms that were used awhile back. You can now encrypt and send a sensitive message to someone over some compromised channel.

Asymmetric encryption means two different "keys" - a public key and a private key. However, the algorithm works in a "one way" sense. The sender uses this public key to encrypt a message, and passes it to receiver. The receiver will use (and can only use) their private key to decrypt the message. It travels one-way, so that only the public key can communicate with the private key user.

A somewhat similar concept would be cryptographic hash functions. It is not used to encrypt and decrypt a message, rather, it is used to verify you from other people. In the simplest sense, it is a password authentication function. It is also "one way". Password authentication long ago would have been both parties knew some secret word, and one can simply say it to confirm their identity to the other.

However, in the modern era, we cannot rely on the second party. One may want the other to know it's them, but not know the passcode. This is where cryptographic hash functions come into play. It's a complex mathematically grounded algorithm that takes a password and produces some jumbled output that won't lead back to the password. Even if someone had this jumbled output, they would never (theoretically) be able to get the original password used. Additionally, no two passwords ever leads to the same jumbled output.

Hash functions are quite useful, since servers storing your passwords are susceptible to attack. Further, most users would not feel comfortable giving someone else their password. Therefore, this hash function would produce some unique text that doesn't look like the original password. Even if an attacker steals the hashes, (ideally) they would not be able to get the password originally used.

Throughout hashing history, there have been several popular "methods" of hashing. Pretty much just different algorithms, but we have such methods like MD5, or SHA1, both of which are completely obsolete due to several types of attacks. The most secure hashing algorithms used today are Blowfish, SHA-256, or Whirlpool.

Try hashing for yourself in the interactive app to the right!
Try these values, are they the same hash?
MD5: goldfish 🠪 861836f13e3d627dfa375bdb8389214e
MD5: encryption 🠪 5bdf74912a51c34815f11e9a3d20b609
RIPEMD-160: delta 🠪 4a9ba085b05e39f5c271b140fa67a0120e486f01

Let's test the strength of hashing algorithms. I'm throwing down the gauntlet. Please email me at if you can figure out my original message. I hope you won't, cause it's kind of embarrasing :)

However cool hash functions were, are slight in comparison to our original topic of asymmetric cryptography.

Imagine sending messages through this type of insecure channel. This happens often, actually. The internet is very much this concept. It mostly can't guarantee a secure channel to which one can communicate with a second party. We could maybe counter this fact with some term like HTTPS or SSL, but even those technologies use asymmetric encryption, fundamentally. Prior to this, we had only insecure channel communication using HTTP.

Here, some algorithm like RSA would come into play. It would allow you to easily send a secure message, even though the middleman knows of your public key. So long as they don't have the private key.

Now, RSA and the asymmetric encryption family are generally memory intensive, which is why they are often used to establish a secure channel. Basically, it's used in junction with some other symmetric key algorithm, such as AES.

Another form of authentication, and the last one mentioned here, is biometrics.

This form of authentication measures physical characteristics in order to verify one's identity. This is familiar to most everyone, as most modern day smartphones have fingerprint sensors, or iris scanners. There are several types of biometric authentication, like the two above, or whole facial recognition and voice recognition. Windows Hello, for example, uses facial recognition technology, and the Google Assistant will use voice recognition to deliver personal updates and distinguish you from your family.

The Google Assistant example overlaps with biometrics as identification. Not only are these physical properties used to authenticate oneself into a system, but also to differentiate between multiple peoples, for example, surveillance.

This "biometric authentication, " is theoretically asymmetric. We can all know of your fingerprint pattern, but theoretically it is impossible for you to have my fingerprint. Realistically, due to technical constraints and marginal errors, one can "replicate" the finger of another. This was the case for Touch ID and other fingerprint sensors, where scientists were able to capture someone's fingerprint and mold it into silicone and unlock the phone.

Additionally, the quality of biometric authentication is still doubtful, as we all have seen at some point or another. Your iPhone not recognizing your face as you wear a mask, or fingerprint sensor not reading correctly. Sometimes, your fingerprint may change a bit due to a scratch, moisture or oils, or otherwise, and you may not be able to authenticate yourself even though you are yourself.

Try this voice recognition module for yourself!

Say "search for..." followed by what you want to see! A new browser tab will open up with the result.

* Microphone permissions MUST be enabled.
** Popup blockers must be disabled.

Project by Chen

with the help of:

- Crossfade.js for cool image fading effect while scrolling.
- fullPage.js for the sick page scrolling effect.
- Typerwriter JS for some cool typing animations.
- password-generator JS for generating password at the start.
- feather for the beautiful icons.
- animate.css, for the smooth animations.
- jshashes for the amazing hashing library implemented in JS, so I didn't have to password_hash using PHP.
- annyang for voice searching.